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Twelve Specialities that enhance care with Telemedicine

Twelve Specialities that enhance care with Telemedicine

The global healthcare system has seen a massive change in the last few years with video consultations by doctors gaining immense popularity and to be very true, not without any reason. Telemedicine has become the new norm as it has proved its efficiency and positive impact on patients.

Additionally, it has turned out to be a revenue earner. The use of modern technology in the form of high-definition audio and video has permitted speciality practices across various medical disciplines to care for patients over a larger geographical area without requiring patients to travel long distances frequently. An increase in efficiency has also seen specialists connected with different medical sectors see more patients in a day thereby helping to solve the growing shortage of speciality care providers.

Though Telemedicine has made its way into almost every speciality, let’s take a look at some who are reaping rich benefits by embracing it.

The Impact of Telemedicine

  • Cardiology

Telemedicine has proved to be a big boon for patients with heart problems as they can keep in touch with their cardiologists on a frequent basis without having to visit the hospital.

  • Dermatology

Skin care has reached the next level. Thanks to Telemedicine as it can avoid frequent personal visits to the doctor, especially during pandemic times. Dermatologists can now take a closer look through video outputs.

  • Endocrinology

Vital parameters connected with Diabetes and Hypertension can now be analysed online by doctors and immediate action can be taken.

  • Gastroenterology

Video visits have been a very useful medium for Gastroenterologists for medication management, dietary counselling, and reviewing diagnostic test results.

  • Oncology

Oncologists find Telemedicine extremely useful as they can now monitor complex cancer patients on a more frequent basis.

  • Infectious Disease

Telemedicine technology is beneficial in monitoring the progress of symptoms and managing medications without getting exposed to patients.

  • Nephrology

Nephrologists have embraced Telehealth to provide home-based care for patients recovering from kidney-related surgery.

  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology

OBG experts use video visits to manage a wide range of conditions including everything from family planning to postpartum depression.

  • Psychiatry

Telepsychiatry is gaining wide attention as it reduces barriers to care including distance, privacy concerns, and cost.

  • Pulmonology

Pulmonology experts can now treat people who experience asthma, bronchitis, and COPD and require frequent consultation.

  • Emergency Medicine

Telemedicine has enabled patients to receive immediate attention by avoiding unnecessary visits to the emergency room by using a remote consultation.

  • Urology

SeasonedUrologists can embrace telemedicine to treat urinary tract disorders such as urinary tract infections, kidney stones, incontinence, and frequent urination.

Bottom Line

The benefits of Telemedicine are huge. To know more about just how advantageous it can get, please feel free to get in touch with experts at the best and most well-known Telemedicine services provider in Bangalore, Apollo Telehealth.

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