A 65-year-old male visited Pangi center on 02/09/2022 at 4:30 am complaining of severe chest pain radiating to the back and left shoulder, shortness of breath, and excessive sweating from 2:00 am.
We have examined the patient and noted he is conscious and oriented to time, place, and person. No previous medical or surgical history was there.
As advised by the govt doctor, loading dose of Tab NTG and an injection of Pantop 40mg were given to the patient.
Vitals were checked and recorded as BP -160/100 mmhg, PR -54b/min, RR -24b/min, and Saturation with Oxygen – 98% at room air.
An ECG examination was performed immediately. Trop –I was (Negative) and RBS -113 mg/dl.
Then the patient got connected with an emergency physician in Chennai. The doctor assessed the patient’s clinical condition and found an inferior lateral wall MI. The emergency doctor diagnosed the condition MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION & PULMONARY EDEMA and advised thrombolysis of the patient.
After taking consent from the patient attendant, Govt doctor Thrombolysed the patient (Streptokinase 1.5 IU in 100 ml NS for one hour) under the guidance of an emergency physician.
The doctor also advised monitoring BP every 2 mins. After thrombolysis, the patient started complaining of pain, and the doctor advised administering an injection of Tramadol 100mg IV In 100 ml NS.
Vitals checked after thrombolysis and recorded BP -110/80 mmhg, PR – 64 b/min.
Repeat ECG done after one hour and again connected with the Apollo emergency doctor, and the doctor checked the ECG reports.
The patient was stable, and the doctor advised referring the patient to a higher center for further management. Then the patient has referred to the higher center by ambulance.
During the follow-up call on 2nd September and was informed that the patient has admitted to the hospital and undergoing treatment.
On 9th September, the patient has successfully undergone Angioplasty & discharged on 11th September 2022 as he was hemodynamically stable. The patient expressed her gratitude for the proper diagnosis and prompt treatment.